Friday, September 5, 2008

unpacking always yields interesting rediscovery

So I'm one of those people who doesn't really throw things away. I fear that someday I will own a house and as I get older it will just become amassed with "stuff". I will be a hoarder. On the other hand I have a serious interest in organization, and organizational tools. In fact, I can organize the shit out of someone else's life, but mine...I like the illusion of organization in my own life, however I truly am a mess.

But anyways, since I recently moved I of course am still in the process of unpacking.

Today I found an old notebook I apparently wrote a lot of poems in, for example:

.on road trips.

the darkness in my eyelids becomes consumed
with hazy images of the moon
divorced from the sun
one only coming up when the other descends

my eyes readjust ceaselessly
like when the only sleep you've gotten
is light
and interspersed between states
flying by the window

like houses filled with lives you'll never know

and lastly
there is the silhouette of you
on mornings i woke up
thinking that love
was a warm body next to me

I think I wrote that while in a car driving to the Bonarroo music festival, obviously I was becoming disillusioned with the relationship I was in at the time. Then there is this poem, which was collectively written by me and some friends as we walked 20 miles for Boston's "Walk for Hunger":

.on walking 20 miles (for hunger).

hunger on a muggy morning
two-legged desire forming
while stationary hominids cheer...

why aren't you walking?

Lastly in the poem department is this one:

.this is a "me" problem.

i want to know your voice
at every intonation
and volume
from the sound of you
whispering in my ear
to the scream you'd let out
if i dumped all of my problems at your feet

I believe I wrote that while in my junior year of college about an unrequited crush I had had for quite a while on a boy who will remain nameless.

I also wrote a lot of random notes in this book, quotes I like, random thoughts...such as:

"much of what we see as complex behavior is actually simple responses to a complex environment" - Sherry Turkle

"don't tease me about my hobbies, I don't tease you about being an asshole"
which I think might be from Magnolia...because right above where I wrote that there is a note that says "I need to see Magnolia again"

I still have not seen Magnolia again

I also wrote "the gulf war did not happen" which I'm pretty sure was something this girl in a class I took said, if I remember correctly she also believed the moon landing did not happen. God I loved college.

So it is rediscoveries like this notebook that make me happy I never throw things out, maybe someday it will be a horrible handicap but for now my hoarding provides me with a lot of entertainment.