Tuesday, February 24, 2009


thanks to the lovely Rahiel i got this pimpin marc by marc backpack for $25!!!!

can you believe it retails for $247.95 normally?!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

i haven't done this in forever....

that's what she said! OOOOOOOOOOOOO

no but seriously...i don't really like Valentine's Day...i mean i am not gonna say i hate it because that just makes me sound like an angry "alone" person but today has been A-OKAY

i woke up at about 4:30am, which is roughly the time one of my roommates went to bed for the night, and began my ascent into life--or work life--as it were.

everything at work was decked out for VDay with pink and red and white and hearts and love and blah blah blah and my INCREDIBLY homofagtastic manager/asshole extraordinaire was SUPER EXCITED for the day because he obviously is one of those people who takes being alone as martyr status and has decided to be SUPER HAPPY being alone on a day when you are supposed to um...NOT be alone...and other than his incredibly assholish behavior (which is nothing out of the ordinary) work was totally bearable and overall pleasant.

and then i came home and started drinking, because honestly i have to be back at work at 7am again, which means getting up at about 5am AGAIN tomorrow and so people...i am on a tight schedule of fuckedupEDNESS and i had about a quarter bottle of red wine (mixed with a rockstar zero sugar/zero calorie energy bev NATCH) and now i am pounding my 2nd (count 'em 1, 2!) bud light and i called my:

grandparents (much easier to talk to for long periods of time once a bit tipsy)
andrew (to speak about my upcoming trip to boston)
mother (usually tipsy when i speak to her, me being tipsy makes us EVEN)
tim (best friend, must call because...well...i DO love him)

i texted:

maritza (from work...LOVE HER!)
farah (NATCH)
andrew (texted and called....plus points?!)
sister (because...um hello?!)

but overall my day has been not too bad on a scale of one to BAD and i love most people even though i do not have a natural smile NOR would i be considered an "open" person who people feel comfortable talking to right off the bat, although i am an "open book" in the sense that i tell people things really quickly that are personal/embarassing/off-putting and i am quite accepting of most people, ALSO weird people like to talk to me on the street/subway/public places of any kind.

i am rambling. blame the wine/energy beverage/beers.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

i emerged (somewhat) victorious!

well, after over 2 gallons of my chili was devoured (featuring over 10 lbs of meat!) i would like to let the internet know that i came kind of close to 3rd place in the audience favorite award.

i have it from a VERY RELIABLE source (aka the host/promoter of the chili takedown) that i had a solid showing for votes and was edged out of third just barely.

SO YAY! out of 30 competitors i would say being in the top 5 is just swell, especially since i have only made that chili recipe once before.

next up: BACON takedown. i am thinking bacon fudge.